
Monday, January 24, 2011

Unit 6 post

After practicng the loving kindess exercise, I found I was a peace with alot the problems I have going on in my life right now. This past week really took a toll my spiritual psyche. But after this weekend of practicing the loving kindness and other relaxation techniques, I was able to get my mind back to calmness and into the positive that I had before.

The integral assessment process showed I need to grow and develop my worldly and interpersonal aspects of my life. I need to work and development my interspersonal due the troubled times my husband and I experiencing right now. These are also the areas that need healing. My biologcial area is doing great. I am having the pains that I was experiencing before and I am focused on going to lose weight and can control of my health. Continue to perform my relaxation techniques and meditation practices will help to achieve heal in these areas.


  1. Hi Judy,
    I'm sorry to hear about your hardship going on between you and your husband. You do sound like you know where to turn for serenity within though and that is something that will keep your mind balanced. All you can do is worry about yourself and the only thing you can control is yourself. You are doing great at using the exercises as tools and learning how to utilize them. The best teachers are the ones who have experienced trials and risen above them.
    Keep on you journey to wellness.
    Be Well,

  2. Good job! Finding that inner peace is so important and the crappy things that life throws in your direction can bring so many people down. I have to stop sometimes and remind myself that things can always be worse, I may be frustrated and have issues but I have my health and that counts for something! Keep your head up and your spirit healthy, aswesome job on using meditation exercises to calm yourself after the stressful week you had. Sometimes we just have to stop and think about what we are really greatful for in life and how we can fix what is "broken" in us!

  3. It's great that you have found peace after a much hectic week. I need to practice more of my relaxation techniques. When I come home from work it takes some time for me to unwind and settle down. When I get off work I am so tense. I think that I shoud try these assessments with some calming and relaxing music. I believe it will help me tremendously.
