
Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Reflections on Physical, Spiritual and psycholoigcal well being

My reflections for the past year can be one of great turmoil and unrest until the later part of the year when I found the art of relaxation and the true meaning of spirituality. If I have to rate my physical well being it would be a 3. Though I am on the road of gaining a more physical image. I will add in more indoor type exercises such as a treadmill or elliptical to my routine. I have gotten off during the month of December when the weather turned cold and walking outside was not in the available. My goal would be to work out at the gym at work and continue on my weight loss plan.
My spiritual well being would be a 8, because I rededicated my life to service of God and the Lord, Jesus Christ during 2010. I was re baptized in June 2010. Each day is a new day in becoming closer and closer to my spiritual well being. I also use relaxation techniques to help me DE -stress after a long day at work. My goal will be to implement a daily devotional time and continue practicing the relaxation techniques.
My psychological well being is a 5 right now. I am working on getting myself in the right frame of mind. We have experienced a lot of tough situations in our personal and financial life during 2010 that it is taking me a while to get my psyche back on track. I feel by putting myself in a more spiritual state that I can overcome the mind-body divide. My goal here is to mind relaxing techiniques, lean on my spiritual beliefs to find peace and continue to work hard each and every day to overcome adversities.
The activities I will implement this year will going the employee gym and working out on the treadmill or elliptical, add on strength training. I will continue to do the relaxation techniques to get me more in tuned with my spiritual and psychological well being. I will also be implementing a daily devotional time.


  1. Judy,
    I really enjoyed reading your post for this unit. Remember that when we go through difficult times it just makes us stronger for situations in the future. May God bless you and your family in all that you are going through and with keeping your faith,love, and trust strong in Jesus Christ remember that he will carry you through. I am glad to hear that you have gotten your spiritual life back on track. That will help you with the other areas of your life.
    Congratulations on your weight loss for December. That is great. Sounds like you are on the right track to better physical well being in the future. Take the time daily to go to the gym at your work if that is available to you. It will help you feel better physically and psychologically. I have found this out firsthand since I have started going to the gym 6 days a week for the past 2 weeks now. I lost 1/2 pound my first week but it is a start. Continue with your goals and I am sure that your overall well being will continue to improve.
    God bless you and good luck with your goals.

  2. Hello Judy
    I am happy to hear that you have already began to work on completing some of the goals that will bring you closer to total physical psychological, and spiritual well-being. I agree with what you said, that by gaining further strength into your spiritual well-being, it will have a positive influence in your psychological well-being.

  3. Hi Judy,
    I really liked reading about your goals and plans. You sound like you are really being honest with yourself and that can sometimes be the hardest thing when improving your wellbeing. I too am very dedicated to my relationship with God and wanted to share a very "popular" piece of scripture that helps me through many days when I feel defeated. Just remember that "you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you". There is a reason that you are going through hard times and only God knows the blessing that are going to come to you and your family. I will pray for you and keep on being honest and positive.
